Cayo Levantado

The small Cayo Levantado islet is one of the best known places in the country. It is located in the Bay of Samaná, very close to the coast. This islet has lent its wonders to shoot famous advertising spots, in which the landscape overshadowed the product. The most famous are the commercial spots for Bacardi rum.

Its transparent waters show the entire range of blues. The vegetation of the island is typical of the Caribbean and draws postcard images. You can tour the entire island in just 15 minutes.

Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non.

– Logan Mortan

One of the peculiarities is its special relationship with the whales. From their beaches they will be able to enjoy, from January to March, the show of humpback whales, celebrating their love rituals.

This beautiful island, hundreds of tourists visit it every day, has recently seen the renovation and reopening of an exclusive hotel. Essential excursion, can be easily reached by boat, leaving the port of Santa Bárbara de Samaná.