Playa Moron

Located about 15 minutes by motor or car from the town of El Limón, this beach has a particular charm. A large wooded lawn, its golden sand, the sea of ​​a thousand colors, a small islet in the middle of the bay, Cayo Limón, are the characteristics of this still wild and almost deserted beach, despite being so close to a town.

Without forgetting its historical interest: in its sand hides an old cannon that the history transmitted by word of mouth tells that it is a piece of Columbus’s army … Look for it at the eastern end of the beach, on the seashore near the rocks near the fishermen’s boats.

Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non.

– Logan Mortan

Getting to the beach is easy, but they need a motorcycle or a 4×4 car, because a small part of the road is in poor condition. From the town of El Limón take the road that leads to the beach and follow it to the end. If they have doubts, they can ask the children or the inhabitants of the country houses in the area on the way.

Si no disponen de un medio de transporte adecuado pueden tomar el camino al mar justo en las afueras de El Limón del lado de Las Terrenas y seguirlo hasta el río. Allí pueden dejar su coche, para continuar caminando. Hay que vadear el río y seguir el camino en medio de la vegetación hasta llegar a la playa. El trayecto les tomará unos 10 minutos.